CTTA Tea Digest

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The digest is a simple synopsis of the Calcutta trade is its focus and the northeast Indian tea industry its backdrop.The northeast Indian tea trade and industry are well over a century old. The region produces more tea than any other area and Calcutta auctions greater quantities than any other centre.Nothing eventful therefore can happen in Calcutta that does not send its ripples to every corner of the world’s far-flung tea trade.The digest should help the importer and the dealer of tea overseas to interpret these ripples.The need for this publication is equally great at home.The primary function of the CTTA is to supervise the Calcutta tea trade in general and to superintenden and direct the auction in particular.Calcutta is the world’s premier auction centre.It handled nearly 170 million kgs in 1974 season.Tea was first auctioned in Calcutta on December 27,1861,when 350 chests of Cachar growth were offered.

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