Einstein never permitted his deep interest in science to shut him off from the daily interests of the world about him. His
support for Palestine, a homeland for the Jews, was an example of this. Although Einstein had been brought up as a free thinker and without orthodox background, he became convinced of
the importance of Palestine. Noting the rise of anti-Semitism in post-war Germany, Einstein said: “If we did not have to live among intolerant, narrow-minded and violent people, I should
be the first to throw over all nationalism.”
But, largely as a result of his growing experience with anti-Semitism, Einstein-the man who hated nationalism-agreed in
mid-life on the importance of the Zionist movement.What was there about Albert Einstein that distinguished him from many other great men of science?History is replete with men of genius who responded to the needs of their time … who built upon the contributions of others … and added something of their own to the onward progress of man.What distinguished Einstein from these?As the following pages seek to show, Albert Einstein was more than a scientist, although, had he been that and nothing more, his name would still rank high in the annals of history.Einstein was also an artist, always sensitive to the world of beauty around him. Einstein was a man of great social conscience, with-as he put it so well-“a passionate sense of social justice and social responsibility.”Einstein was a democrat, a man who had a devout respect for mankind. He was a man of peace who viewed war with contempt, as an enemy of everything he cherished.Einstein was a man of his own people, the Jewish people. But his
concern for the rights of all people made him a champion of the oppressed
throughout his life.These are some of the characteristics which distinguished Einstein from other men of science through the ages.Many words will be written about Einstein. Many have already
appeared. But, in some respects, words alone are inadequate in dealing with this man. Something of the firmament-which occupied so much of his time and study-reflected itself in him. He belonged to the universe… as a farmer belongs to the soil. Perhaps this is what won him such
a warm place in the hearts of the common people of all lands.This is why a pictorial biography of Albert Einstein appears so fitting,You may read his life in his eyes as well as in his words.
Einstein,A Pictorial Biography -by William Cahn
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