Remembering G.D. Parikh Edited by Dhirendra Narain and S.H. Deshpande

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Govardhan Dhanraj Parikh was born on 7th November, 1915 in Malegaon of Nasik district in Maharashtra in a Marwari Brahmin family. The family migrated from Rajasthan nearly 140 years ago. He was the only son. Four sisters were born later. Govardhan Parikh’s mother died when he was only 12 years old. His father died in Bombay in 1968 at the age of 89.Junnar, where his father settled down, is a small town in the Pune district of Maharashtra Govardhan Parikh had his secondary school education upto Matriculation in Junnar. He was a very bright student. His father was opposed to Govardhan going to college. The family had a petty shop and his father wanted his only son to assist him in running it. Nor could the father afford the expense of his son’s college education in another town as there was then no college in Junnar. The Head Master of the School where Govardhan studied was instrumental in persuading the father to send Govardhan to college.
Govardhan Parikh joined Fergusson College in Pune. He graduated in 1937 in Second Class with Honours, History and Economics being his subjects. He was already known as a powerful speaker and debatoh. He took his M.A. degree in 1940, with History and Politics as his sub jects, in Second Class. It was in Pune that Govardhan Parikh was exposed to the ideas of the late M. N. Roy. He met Roy at Faizpur and a life-long friendship and intellectual co-operation between them developed.In 1940, at the age of 25, Govardhan Parikh joined Ram narain Ruia College, Bombay, as a lecturer in Economics, Very soon, he made his mark as a teacher. Combination of piercing intellect, abundant persuasive power and an inimitably rich voice made him a superb teacher.This Volume is being published in memory of my great friend, the late Professor Govardhan Dhanraj Parikh. Even a cursory look at the articles would reveal what a multi faceted personality the late Professor Parikh was! He was proficient in social science subjects like Economics, Politics end Sociology. His writings have provided valuable guid ance in regard to the thinking on economic planning in India in the context of its democratic set-up. According to the late Professor Parikh’s educational philosophy, a good teacher is always a student and must remain so; Professor Parikh, himself a reputed teacher, always remained a student. He had many friends and colleagues in the educational, political and social fields and wherever else he worked. Similarly, he had, in various parts of North and South India, many friends, acquaintances and well wishers who are well-known authors, Vice-Chancellors of universities, judges, political leaders, journalists, scholars and others. A large number of representatives of this enlightened cross-section of society have written about the late Profesor Parikh in this Volume.A perusal of these articles will reveal that Professor Parikh has left a deep impress of his personality on all those with whom he associated. He was as good an organizer as he was a teacher. Whatever institutions he joined, he led them forward towards progress. It was in his nature to devote himself fully to the task in hand. He was a great idealist and yet could keep alave his empiricist attitude to the last. He had a wonderful command over English, Hindi and Marathi and was a captivating speaker in all of them. His rare oratorical gift and skill in present ation exerted a deep impression on everyone and his stimulating new ideas sometimes took even the experts by surprise.

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