Puri, a sacred centre of the Hindus, has many distinctive characteristics. In this small but interesting monograph the author examines the complex of sacred and secular institutions in Puri and brings out their religious and social functions as well as associated cultural values and symbolic configurations.The tradition in Puri is a cultural complex consisting of sacred and secular institutions with their religious and social functions,cultural values and symbolic configurations. The axis of this complex is the titular and symbolic relationship between the paramount deity and the paramount king of Orissa. With this God-king system are associated many sub-systems such as monastic order, pilgrimage, kingship, and secular government and ritual service organizations. The cultural roles of these
sub-systems in respect of the main system, which forms the core of the cultural complex, are the major aspects of this study. The roles performed by these sub-systems are essentially
in the capacity of guardians, specialists, policy makers, and preachers of cultural traditions. The cultural stages where the
cultural performances are held and the cultural media through which the cultural traditions are recited, exhibited, and propagated form also major aspects of the structure of tradition.The cultural complex of Puri is in the process of continuous change and the institutions which comprise the complex are
not isolated entities. They are integrated with one another and form an organic whole. A change in one aspect reverberates in others and therefore any dislocation in any of them may
have severe repercussions throughout the nexus.The present study describes the structure and organization
of cultural traditions in Puri, a famous pilgrim centre in Orissa, and discusses what changes have come about in the
traditions and what factors are responsible for such changes.Puri provides the best example of the cultural structure described above. This structure is comprised of many sacred and secular institutions and professionals of the cultural tradition.These institutions possess many valuable basic texts and documents which the professionals and specialists make use of in the dissemination of the elements of the tradition and in the regulation of their duties to and organization of the institutions in the regional as well as the national context.
Cultural Tradition In Puri -N Patnaik
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