Philosophical Essays -Professor Anantalal Thakur Felicitation Volume

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This books contents includes following subjects-

1. Prašastipatram
Dr. Srijiva Nayatirtha, Bhatpara
2. A Lost Passage of Santafakşita’s Sanskrit Commentary on Dharmakirti’s Vadanyaya
Dr. Gustav Roth, Goettingen University
3. A Note on the Buddhist Syllogism
Dr. Kamaleswar Bhattacharya, Paris
4. Significance and Meaning of Pratityasamutpāda
Dr. Vijayarani, Kuruksetra University
5. The Transcendental Structure of Human Bondage According to Pakşilasvämin
Dr. Gerhard Oberhammar, Vienna University
6. Tarka Rahasya and Vädarahasya
Dr. Gudrun Huchneman, Vienna University
7. Development of Nyaya Theism
Dr. John Vattanky, Madras
8. Debate and Dialectic in Ancient India Dr. Bimal Krishna Matilal, Oxford University
9. Meaning and Role of the Concept of Mahajanaparigraha in the Ascertainment of the Validity of the Veda
Dr. George Chemparathi, Utrecht University
10. The Causes of an Utterance per Rival Grammatical Siksa Traditions
Dr. Alex Wayman, Columbia University
11. The Mahabharata as a Commentary of the Bhagavad-Gita
Dr. Manabendu Banerji, Jadavpur University
12. The Nature and Role of Abhasa in Upadeśasähasrī
Dr. Satyadeva Misra, Pilani
13. The Prajñadaršana of Vidura
Dr. Shyamapada Thakur, Calcutta
14. Kashmir Saivism and Acārya Abhinavagupta
Dr. Koshela Walli, J. & K.
15. Kramasvarüpavivecanam
Dr. Umaraman Jha, J. & K. State
16. Nyäya-Vaiśeşika Tradition
Dr. V. Varadacari, Tirupati
17. Nyäyarahasya and some disputed Nyayasütras
Dr. Prabal Kumar Sen, Calcutta University
18. Remarks on the Sarvasarvātmakatvavāda
Dr. Albrecht Wezler, Hamburg University
19. The Nyãyatattvävaloka of Vācaspati Miśra II
Dr. Kishoranath Jha, Allahabad
20. Pramāna as Evidence
Dr. Bimal Krishna Matilal, Oxford University
21. Words and its Import
Dr. Krishnanath Chatterji, Rabindra Bharati University
22. Sanskrit Metrics-as studied at Buddhist Universities in the Eleventh Century A.D.
Dr. Michael Hahn, Bonn University
23. Pratyeka-Buddhabhūmi
Pandit Jagadisvara Pandeya, Patna
24. Our Guruji and His Contributions
Pt. Jagadiswar Pandeya & Umaraman Jha

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