Bharatvarsha An Evolutionary Synthesis of India. vol:I Dandakaranya and Mahakantara-Central Highlands -By Dr. Amiya Kumar Roy Chowdhury

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This volume, of Bharatavarsha “Dandakaranya and Mahakantara” deals with the Triology of Geological, Biological and Historical Evolutionary changes experienced by the Central Highlands of
India that extend from western border of West Bengal through South Bihar, Orissa, Madhya Pradesh, part of Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan and Maharashtra to the Western border of India, adjacent
to Pakistan. The vast expanse of this region, the immense stretch of its quiet tropical forests, the long ranges of hills with the slopes sparsely populated by
the tribal people mostly, interrupted in few places by throbbing ancient and modern cities, allure any keen tourist. The great diversities of the surroundings, the
quaint customs and religion of the various inhabitants of this region bring many pleasant surprises to the spectator. The charming romantic environment of
this ancient landscape may haunt him for a long time.The author toured these regions and briefly referred to the routes. While travelling, features relating to the above Triology were noted and illustrated
in this book by 81 black and white and coloured photographs and drawings. Personal descriptions are given of the geological and geographical features
following the schemes of renowned authorities on the respective subjects. Biological evolution, in general, has then been discussed, followed by the specific evolutionary features found in the Central
Highlands. As some of the evolutionary links are missing, gaps in our knowledge have been bridged over by desoriptions of such missing links obtained from other countries of the world to make it a
continuous sequence so that the reader may follow easily. Some biological organ-system evolutions have also been illustrated. The recorded history has been described at the end to make the sequence of the story of the Triology of Evolution a complete one.Architectural developments have been illustrated
mainly by temple architectures. The changes described are not and could not be strictly regional and often transgress the regional geographical boundaries.
The reader will have to overlook such abberations.The whole purpose of this book is to enable the reader, who goes through these pages, to grasp and
understand the sum total effect of the evolutionary changes that finally shaped this region, its life and its people, from the beginning of Creation upto the modern times. When the reader will travel through
these regions personally, equipped with the above informations, he may enjoy the tours looking through a new and completely different angle of vision.

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